Custom Prospective Collections
When you’re unable to find samples in the field that meet your requirements, or if you have unique specifications that require custom sample collection, rely on SeraCare. With our worldwide network of vendors and suppliers, we can help you prospectively collect patient specimens according to your assay’s specification. SeraCare’s network of prospective collection sites specialize in providing non-infectious and infectious donor specimens tailored to your requirements.
- Worldwide network of suppliers and vendors
- Non-infectious and infectious donor specimens
- Multiple sample formats, transport, and collection methods
- IRB specimen protocols and consent forms
- HIPAA compliant, donor privacy ensured
- Customized data collection and reporting
Qualified Collection Capabilities
Our internal sourcing team has extensive expertise in establishing realistic protocol expectations by qualifying your project against our collection network capabilities. We will perform proper site recruitment and monitoring of your project from start to finish. Each specimen can be collected under certified IRB protocols with informed consent and in a variety of sample formats from whole blood to swabs to sputum. Patient identifiers are anonymized, ensuring that all collections are done in accordance to HIPAA guidelines.