Liquid Biopsy

Seraseq® ctDNA MRD Panel Mix

Material Number 0710-2146
Size 4 x 20 µl
Inventory Status In Stock
Unit EA


MRD monitoring typically involves measuring signs of a cancer in order to determine if it is disappearing (progression) or returning (relapse). Typically, this can be facilitated by use of less invasive techniques such as liquid biopsy (ctDNA), to monitor cancer-specific somatic variants. A patient-derived approach to the application of ctDNA-based MRD monitoring starts with a tumor profiling analysis to identify clinically relevant tumor variants that constitute the patient’s genomic profile. Following this, a targeted panel/assay containing a subset of the gene variants can be designed for disease monitoring by detecting presence or absence of circulating tumor (ct)DNA variants in the patient’s blood sample. These patient-derived MRD analyses represent a paradigm shift in disease monitoring, and have been adopted by leading liquid biopsy NGS vendors such as Natera’s Signatera® platform and Archer/Invitae’s Personalized Cancer Monitoring (PCM) assay.

LGC SeraCare has developed a novel ctDNA MRD mutation mix panel designed to support the development, validation and clinical deployment of ctDNA-based patient-derived MRD monitoring NGS assays. The new Seraseq ctDNA MRD Panel Mix product is constructed from combination of a diseased human cell line, its SNP-matched normal cell line, and biosynthetic DNA containing variants commonly targeted by therapeutic drugs (see list below). The blended DNA is fragmented, sized to mimic ctDNA fragment sizes, and serially diluted to tumor fractions (TF) of 0%, 0.5%, 0.05% and 0.005%.


  • Combination of diseased human cancer cell line, its SNP-matched normal and biosynthetic DNA variants.
  • Fragmented, sized (ctDNA), and blended at four tumor levels: 0% (WT), 0.5%, 0.05% and 0.005%.
  • Develop, validate and routinely determine presence/absence of patient-derived disease variants with high precision (against a matched normal (WT) background).
  • Variant detection and VAF analysis by digital PCR and targeted cfDNA NGS assay.
  • Available as a purified DNA mix ready for targeted sequencing library prep.
  • Manufactured in GMP-compliant and ISO 13485-certified facilities.

Seraseq ctDNA MRD Panel Mix - Datasheet

Doc type
Data Sheet

Seraseq ctDNA MRD Panel Mix

Doc type
Certificate of Analysis/Technical Product Report
Lot #

Seraseq ctDNA MRD Panel Mix Non-Requirement Letter

Doc type
Safety Data Sheet (Non-Requirement Letter)

Seraseq ctDNA MRD Panel Mix - Package Insert

Doc type
Package Insert

Seraseq® ctDNA MRD Mix

Doc type
Product Sheet

Seraseq ctDNA MRD Panel Mix - - Technical Product Report

Doc type
Technical Product Report
Lot #

Seraseq ctDNA MRD Panel Mix

Doc type
Technical Product Report
Lot #

Seraseq ctDNA MRD Panel Mix

Doc type
Technical Product Report
Lot #
Product Specifications - ctDNA MRD Panel Mix
# of Variants >600
Tumor Levels

0%, 0.5%, 0.05% & 0.005%

# of vials/kit 4
Fill Volume 20 µl

10 ng/µl

Total Mass

4 x 200 ng


Purified DNA in buffer (Tris/EDTA)

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