Heme Malignancy

Seraseq® Lymphoma DNA Mutation Mix

Material Number 0710-2203
Size 1 x 25 μl
Inventory Status In Stock
Unit EA


To help clinical labs performing NGS-based lymphoid testing better develop, characterize, validate and routinely assess lymphoid diseases by NGS assays, LGC SeraCare has developed the Seraseq Lymphoma DNA Mutation Mix and Seraseq FFPE Lymphoma Reference Material, the first set of comprehensive lymphoid cancer NGS assay reference materials. These unique products include clinically important SNVs, INDELs and gene fusions important in lymphoma disease diagnosis and prognosis. Variants are present against a single well-characterized genomic background (GM24385) at clinically relevant allele frequencies, precisely quantitated by digital PCR assays.


  • Develop and validate Lymphoid-based NGS assays with confidence using a highly multiplexed reference material containing biomarkers important in Lymphoma cancers.
  • Provide robust sensitivity to detect clinically-relevant mutations at variant allele frequencies that establish and validate assay LoD claims.
  • Mutation targets are quantitated using highly sensitive digital PCR as well as a custom NGS assay.
  • All mutations are blended against GM24385 human genomic DNA as background ‘wild-type’ material.
  • Available as both purified DNA mix and FFPE curls, for end-to-end assay workflow positive control.
  • Manufactured in GMP-compliant and ISO 13485-certified facilities.

Seraseq Lymphoma DNA Non-Requirement Letter

Doc type
Safety Data Sheet (Non-Requirement Letter)

Seraseq Lymphoma DNA - Package Insert Mutation Mix - Package Insert

Doc type
Package Insert

Seraseq Lymphoma DNA - Product Sheet

Doc type
Product Sheet

Seraseq Lymphoma DNA Mutation Mix

Doc type
Technical Product Report
Lot #

Technical Spreadsheet for Seraseq Lymphoma FFPE Reference Material and DNA Mutation Mix

Doc type
Technical Spreadsheet

Seraseq Lymphoma DNA Mutation Mix Technical Spreadsheet

Doc type
Technical Spreadsheet
Product Specifications - Lymphoma DNA Mutation Mix  
# of variants 26
# of vials/kit 1
Fill Volume 25 µl
Concentration 15 ng/µl
Total Mass 375 ng
Format                                         Purified DNA in Buffer (Tris/EDTA)

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