Somatic Cancer

Seraseq® HRD gDNA Negative Mix

Material Number 0710-2881
Size 2 x 20 uL
Inventory Status In Stock
Unit EA

Genomic instability resulting from homologous recombination DNA repair deficiency (HRD) is a response biomarker to assess ovarian and breast cancer patient eligibility for PARP inhibitor and platinum-based therapies. HRD measurements have the potential to improve cancer therapy, however standardizing and democratizing HRD measurements remains challenging due to their inherent complexity. This cell line-derived HRD reference material can support the development, validation, and routine use of assays determining HRD status in cancer patients.


  • Derived from tumor and matched-normal human cell lines
  • Allows blending to desired % tumor content with included SNP-matched normal cell line gDNA
  • 20 µL of both tumor and matched normal gDNA at 25 ng/µL
  • Additional biosynthetic single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) of 4 homologous recombination repair (HRR) genes
  • HRD status validated by targeted Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
  • Manufactured in GMP-compliant, ISO 13485-certified facilities
  • Seraseq gDNA HRD Mix Product Sheet

    Doc type
    Product Sheet

    Technical Spreadsheet for Seraseq HRD Reference Materials

    Doc type
    Technical Spreadsheet

    Seraseq gDNA HRD Mix

    Doc type
    Package Insert

    Seraseq gDNA HRD Mix Non-Requirement Lette

    Doc type
    Safety Data Sheet (Non-Requirement Letter)

    Seraseq gDNA HRD Negative Mix

    Doc type
    Technical Product Report
    Lot #


    #Genomic Instability Score (GIS) calculated using Illumina TruSight™ Oncology (TSO) 500 HRD RUO assay which calculates a GIS using an algorithm licensed from Myriad Genetics. Illumina TSO 500 HRD is not available in Japan.

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