Linearity Panels

AccuSpan™ EBV Linearity Panel

Material Number 2410-0345
Size 8 x 1.4 mL
Inventory Status In Stock
Unit EA

The AccuSpan™ EBV Linearity Panel is an eight-member panel (1 vial per member, 1.4 mL per vial) consisting of seven members representing serial log dilutions of cultured EBV virus with established reactivity for EBV (Epstein–Barr virus) DNA, in EBV DNA negative diluent. This panel also consists of one negative member prepared from the diluent. The diluent was prepared from normal human plasma. Sodium azide (0.09%) was added as a preservative.

Roche cobas® 6800/8800 EBV results are reported for each panel member. Linearity is shown graphically by plotting observed results against expected results. The WHO International Standard was tested in the same run as the AccuSpan™ EBV Linearity Panel members. Both expected and observed results for the standards are reported; the expected values from the WHO standard are based upon application of a dilution factor to the WHO assigned value.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

AccuSpan EBV Linearity Panel

Doc type
Package Insert


Doc type
Safety Data Sheet

AccuSpan EBV Linearity Panel

Doc type
Data Sheet
Lot #